Results of the seismic survey

In November 2023, data was collected on two lines running east-west (Foetz – Burange and Esch-sur-Alzette – Dudelange) and one line running north-south (Bettembourg – Dudelange).

The processing of the collected data and the interpretation of the results were completed in July 2024.

The results provide the first ever visualisation of the deep subsoil in Luxembourg,  up to a depth of around 2,400 metres.

As the deep subsoil layers, made up largely of sandstone and conglomerates, are generally porous and permeable, warm groundwater can be expected at depths of between 750 and 2,200 metres. Current forecasts predict temperatures of between 40 and 70 degrees Celsius. Assuming that these rocks are sufficiently permeable, their potential as a geothermal reservoir can therefore be confirmed.

Find all the details here

End of the seismic acquisition mission

After a long preparation phase that began in August, the data acquisition phase of the seismic survey took place between the 15th and 29th November.

Here are some key figures:

  • 30 kilometres of seismic line, divided into 3 lines
  • 25 people deployed = 3,600 working hours
  • 0 work-related accidents
  • 14 days of acquisition work
  • 76 hours of pure acquisition activity
  • 3 vibrator trucks (+ 2 as back-up)
  • 1,317 points vibrated (out of 1,332 planned)
  • 5,498 sensors deployed
  • 13 sensors destroyed or missing
  • 1 TB of raw data recorded

The “Service géologique de l’État” and Smart Seismik Solutions would like to thank all the local authorities and infrastructure network managers for their excellent cooperation, as well as local residents and drivers for their understanding and patience. The results of the seismic survey are expected in March.

News round-up on the Seismik project

Find out all the latest news about the Seismik project and the progress of exploration drilling.

100,7 Report – Geothermie: Lëtzebuerger Schatzsich am Minett E Schatz a Form vu bis zu 70 Grad waarmem Waasser gëtt zwee Kilometer ënnert dem Buedem tëscht Esch an Diddeleng gesicht.

RTL Report – Op der Sich no waarmem Waasser am Süde vum LandHëtzt vun der Äerd kéint an Zukunft am Süde vum Land ganz Quartiere mat Wäermt versuergen.

Tageblatt article – Geothermisches Potential im Süden Erkundungsmessungen ab dem 15. November

Luxemburger Wort article – Auf der Suche nach Erdwärme vibriert Luxemburgs Süden Es wird laut: Mit speziellen Fahrzeugen laufen in den kommenden Wochen an rund 1.700 Stellen geothermische Untersuchungen

Video Interview of Mr. Romain Meyer, Chargé d’études et géologue of the Service géologique de l’État.

Open day

On Saturday the 11th of November, The National Roads Administration (Administration des ponts et chaussées) and the company Smart Seismic Solutions are hosting an open day. This event will present the equipment that will be used in the seismic exploration campaign in the Minette basin, which is due to start shortly. Here you can experience live how the subsurface is explored with vibrations generated by special trucks and recorded by seismic sensors (“geophones”).

Where and when?

11 November 2023, from 1pm to 4pm, near the sports fields behind the car parks north of the Neischmelz site. View map.

Further information on the project and the route of the measurements can be found at

Operational test in Dudelange

On Friday the 10th of November, Smart Seismic Solutions will be carrying out a series of tests on seismic acquisition equipment and settings.

Where and when?

10 November 2023 from 9am to 4pm, along the CR190 road (route de Thionville) in Dudelange, between Place Jean Fohrmann and the French border. View the map.

For full details of the project and the progress of operations, visit